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The Retire Strong Project.

By Phil White | Doctor of Physiotherapy.

Start strength exercise in 2024.

Safe, simple, & enjoyable strength for 50–75-year-olds who want to: 

  • Feel strong, mobile, & energetic in retirement. 
  • Maximise independence and stay out of nursing homes and hospitals as long as possible

(Also for people who plan on being 50-75 one day and want to get a head start)

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

To perform a test transaction, click below to copy a test card number and paste into the field below. Enter any valid date and any 3 digits for the CVC.
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The Retire Strong Project.February 2024 Cohort$60.86

Is there anyone else you think would benefit from the program but they won't be the +1? 

Would you like to get your group of friends together a few times a week to do a few strength exercises in the park or by the beach, before a stroll and a coffee?

You can choose multiple programs below if you would like to give the program as a gift (each person will still get a + 1 too).

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Retire Strong Project - Feb 2024 Cohort$60.86

All prices in AUD

Special Offer
Online Physiotherapy Consultation - 30 Minutes

Get assessed before you start the program

Plan for your specific situation

Australian private health insurance rebates available (after appointment)

Add to cart$150.00